
  • Youth gathering are recovered for Friday 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm and Sunday Worship 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.
  • Please join us to the Online English Sunday Worship. The Zoom meeting ID #294 322 4579 and password 392766. Sunday School will be starting at 11:30am.
  • Friday - Youth Group Fellowship - Online zoom meeting ID# 294 322 4579 password 392766 at 8pm
  • We are planning to meet on-line for English Sunday service and Friday Youth Group from 3/15 to further notice. All other non-church related activities are to be canceled. Our deacons will continue to monitor the development diligently and update the website with any additional changes. Church service time: 10:00 - 11:15 am thru online Zoom meeting with meeting ID# 294 322 4579 with Password 392766
  • We believe the changes in our gathering method are temporary and that the pandemic will end eventually. Let's encourage each other to take this opportunity to seek God's will, to learn to trust in Him in the storm of life and to worship as a family. We look forward to the day when the pandemic passes and we are all reunited in person again to worship and to serve. Cherry Hill Chinese Christian Church Emergency Response Team
  • Sunday Message

    2024-12-01 任克澎牧師建立健康的教會
    2024-11-24 崔景宇傳道主啊,我在這裏
    2024-11-17 任克澎牧師一個痲瘋病者的信心與感恩
    2024-11-10 柏有成教授世世代代都紀念
    2024-11-03 任克澎牧師愛惜人的尊貴


    Contact Us: 299 Browning Lane, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 (856-428-1398,

    © Cherry Hill Chinese Christian Church